Contoh dialog legend bahasa Inggris

Kali ini, saya akan membagikan sebuah contoh dialog yang saya buat dalam inggris tentang legenda di Indonesia.Legenda tersebut bernama sangkuriang yang berasal dari Jawa Barat. Cerita ini menceritakan bagaimana asal usul gunung tangkuban perahu. BIla ada kesalahan grammar dan sebagainya, mohon dimaklumi, namanya juga masih belajar.


Long time ago in West Java, there was a king’s daughter named Dayang Sumbi. She was very beautiful and smart. Many kings wanted to marry with her. But she didn’t choose them. Then, they
fought each other to get her. Dayang Sumbi didn’t want that. So, she went to a deep forest. One day, Dayang sumbi was sewing.

Dayang Sumbi                        : ” Oh my god, I fall my needle. But…. I’m so lazy to take  it. I
                                     hope someone wants to take it and give it to me. If she’s a women,  
                                     I’ll make her my sister, if he’s a man. I’ll marry him”.

Tumang                       : “ Here’s your needle”

Dayang Sumbi                        : “ Thank you, but … you’re a dog. I can’t marry with you”

Tumang                       : “ But you have promised to marry with the person who take and
                                      give it to you, and it’s me. Remember, you’re still a princess, and   
                                      you can’t break your  promise”

Dayang Sumbi                        : ” Alright, I accept you as my husband”

            Dayang Sumbi married with Tumang, and they got a child named Sangkuriang. He grew to be a strong, and handsome man. But, Sangkuriang didn’t know if Tumang was his father. He only knew that Tumang is a loyal dog, not his father.

Sangkuriang                : “Mom ! I’m going to the forest now”

Dayang Sumbi                        : “ What for, my son?”

Sangkuriang                : “I’m gonna hunting some animals for our dinner”

Dayang Sumbi                        : ” Okay, but be careful. Oh…. And bring Tumang with you”

Sangkuriang                : ” I’m going now!”

            After that, they went to the forest.

Sangkuriang                : “Look!... that’s a big boar. Catch it!”

Tumang                       : “ I can’t do it ”

Sangkuriang                : ”Why don’t you catch that pig?! “

Tumang                       : “ Sorry…. I can’t tell you the reason “

Sangkuriang                :” Fine, take this! ”

            After He killed him. Sangkuriang took Tumang’s meat and he went to his home. Then, he met with her mother.

Sangkuriang                :”I’m home!”

Dayang  Sumbi           : “Where’s Tumang? I saw you hunting with him”

Sangkuriang                : “I don’t know, maybe he’s still outside, here’s the meat for our  

Dayang Sumbi                        : ”Wait here, I’ll cock it “

            After Dayang Sumbi cocked the mear, they ate it. But, Dayang Sumbi still didn’t know that the meat that she ate was Tumang.

Dayang Sumbi                        : ”Why don’t Tumang come back to here?”

Sangkuriang                :”I………. I don’t know”

Dayang Sumbi                        : ”Don’t lie to me, I know that you know about that”

Sangkuriang                : “I’m sorry mom. I killed him”

Dayang Sumbi                        : “ You killed him!? Do you know what you have done !?”

Sangkuriang                : “ I’m sorry….. I didn’t to kill him “

Dayang Sumbi                        : ” Get out from here, and never come back here again !”

            Then, Dayang Sumbi hit his head with a rice ladle and it traced. Sangkuriang left his home. He traveled around the world. After a long time, he didn’t realize that he came back to his homeland where his mother lived. At there, he met with Dayang Sumbi, his mother. But, He didn’t realize that Dayang Sumbi was his mother, because Dayang Sumbi looked like a young woman.

Sangkuriang                : “ Good morning, beauty lady “

Dayang Sumbi                        : “ Good morning .. Do you live near here ? Because I never 
                                      meet you before “

Sangkuriang                : “ No, I don’t. I’m a traveler. I have traveled around the world “

Dayang Sumbi                        : “ Oh …  what’s your business to come here? “

Sangkuriang                : “ I’m looking for a wife… and I think …. I’ve found her “

Dayang Sumbi                        : “ Who’s that person? “

Sangkuriang                : “ It’s you, my love “

Dayang Sumbi                        : “Oh really.. what’s that? On your forehead “

Sangkuriang                : “ It’s a trace. My mother hit me with a rice ladle “

Dayang Sumbi                        : “ Your mother…. Wait a minute, what’s your name? “

Sangkuriang                : “ I’m Sangkuriang “

Dayang Sumbi                        : “ We can’t marry, I’m your mother “

Sangkuriang                : “ No way, if you’re my mother, you have been old now “

Dayang Sumbi                        : “ It’s ok if you don’t believe it, but we cant’ marry “

Sangkuriang                : “ I’ll do anything for you“

Dayang Sumbi                        : “Hmm….. Okay. But, I’ve got a request “

Sangkuriang                : “What’s that? “

Dayang Sumbi                        : “you have to make a grand  ship for me. But, you must finish it 
                                       only For one night”

Sangkuriang                : “That’s easy.  But, if I can make that ship, you must marry me”

Dayang Sumbi                        :”Alright. But remember, just one night ”

After that, Dayang Sumbi left him alone. After She’s gone, he casted a spell to  call his friends.

Sangkuriang                : “I’ll call my friends to help me ”

Djinn                           : ” Did you call me, master? ”

Sangkuriang                : “ Yes. I need your help to make a ship for me fastly ”
Djiin                            : ”HAHAHA… That’s very easy. Alright, I will make it for you ”

After that, the Djiin made the ship fastly. Dayang Sumbi saw that Sangkuriang used Djiin power to made the ship. Dayang Sumbi was panic, because they almost finished the ship. Dayang Sumbi got an Idea.
Djiin                            :” That’s….sunlight! Sorry master,  I can’t finish this ship. I    
                                         must run now! ”
Sangkuriang                : ” Wait…! I say wait…! You must finish it now ! ”

After he kicked his grand ship, the ship flipped and burned Sangkuriang. Finally, the flipped ship turned into a big mountain in West Java, It called Tangkuban Perahu. Tangkuban means flipped, and perahu means ship.

semoga bermanfaat.